153 Acres Unorganized Township

  • cdn $299,000
Shabaqua Corners, ON P0T 2T0, Canada, Northwestern Ontario
For Sale

153 Acres Unorganized Township

Shabaqua Corners, ON P0T 2T0, Canada, Northwestern Ontario
  • cdn $299,000

Property Information

If you like to hunt, enjoy the outdoors or are looking for a spot to leave the city behind, here is a great opportunity to have your own outdoor paradise.

This property is within the UNORGANIZED township of Goldie in Northwestern Ontario.

The property is a short 40 minute drive west of Thunder Bay. Super easy to get to, just follow highway 17 to Shabaqua corners then 4.7 kms north to Ivar Rd.

The property is rolling type terrain, mixed vegetation, with a seasonal pond and a subsidiary of the Oskondaga river flowing through the property.

All rights come with the property, surface mineral and tree rights.

There has been several improvements done to the property. The owner erected a 40×50′ steel dome style structure on a poured cement pad, a 2 story tiny home with solar and woodstove, designed for all season dwelling.

Extensive road development throughout the property, with individual sites to camp, tent or build on.

A dug well was installed approx 2021

It appears to have been selectively cut early 2000’s

Totally surrounded by Crown lands. Very private, quiet and peaceful. 1000’s of acres of forest to explore or hunt. Won’t be bumping onto the neighbours here.

For the hunters the property is in WMU 13.


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  • ontariolandadmin